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Absolutely delicious. Best salmon I've ever eaten. Fast Shipping

The Best Smoked Pink Salmon is at Lummi Island Wild

Smoked Pink salmon is available in grocery stores, but the best buys are online. When you order from somewhere like Lummi Island Wild, you get to learn about where the fish comes from. It is shipped to your door, and you get to create a relationship with a provider. With us, you’re not just buying yourself a delicious lunch. You’re also investing in sustainable agriculture, supporting a small business, and starting a friendship that we hope will last a lifetime.

Our smoked wild Pink salmon is a special product. One of our more accessibly priced options, this is a great choice for those new to the world of smoked fish. We have a couple of offerings to suit a variety of dishes and occasions. Dive in – we promise you won’t be disappointed.


Our Wild Smoked Pink Salmon Offerings 

We have a smoked version of most of the salmon we catch, and Pink is no exception. We are proud to offer two delectable smoked wild Pink salmon options.

  • Smoked Pink Salmon Fillet – These gorgeous Pink salmon fillets are available in packs of one, three, and six. At 10oz each, they make for an excellent, crowd-pleasing party platter or the centerpiece of a family dinner. Prepared with traditional brine and hardwood smoke, this is a classic choice for smoked salmon lovers.
  • Smoked Pink Pouch – This Pink salmon is shelf-stable, which makes it a great choice for those always on the go. These are 6-ounce portions of our lightly smoked Pink. We add organic olive oil and black pepper, then package them in airtight pouches. Ready to eat as soon as they come out of the pouch, you can have them as they are, heated up, or on salads, pastas, quiches – really anything you can think of.

All our Pink salmon is reefnet-caught and sustainably sourced. When you buy our products, you’re investing in both sustainable fishing and a delicious meal. If you’re interested in trying other types of smoked fish, we also offer smoked Sockeye, King, and Keta.


Why is Wild Salmon Best for Smoking? 

Our smoked wild Pink salmon is special for a few reasons. It’s thoughtfully prepared, sustainably sourced, and tastes pretty dang good. But, more than that, it’s caught in the wild. Wild fish tend to have a higher natural oil content than farmed fish. In smoked salmon, this translates to a heavier dose of smoke flavor. In general, the fattier the fish, the more readily it can absorb flavor. So, even though Keta is a relatively lean type of salmon, wild smoked Keta is a different product entirely. While still not as decadent as King or Sockeye, its flavor packs a delicious punch.


Smoked Salmon Delivery from Lummi 

Our smoked salmon always ships frozen to preserve its taste and texture. When it arrives at your home, transfer the fish into your refrigerator to thaw. After a few hours, it will be ready to eat. The fish will stay safe to eat in your refrigerator for up to 45 days. However, if you’ve ordered our smoked Pink salmon pouches, you won’t need to do anything. They do not ship frozen, and they’ll be ready to eat as soon as they arrive.