
Ian Kirouac President
Ian started reefnet fishing in 2002. LIW co-op was just forming and it was love at first sight. It was also the perfect opportunity to combine his background in sales to indulge his passion for the environment and sustainability. Ian frequently says, “I wouldn't be in seafood if it weren't for reefnetting.”
Off the water, Ian is passionate about helping small businesses thrive, and is an avid outdoor enthusiast –completing a successful thru-hike of the 2,160 mile Appalachian Trail.
Off the water, Ian is passionate about helping small businesses thrive, and is an avid outdoor enthusiast –completing a successful thru-hike of the 2,160 mile Appalachian Trail.
What am I eating?
6 oz Baker King Salmon Portions grilled with root veggie side

Sierra Montoya Buying Club Manager
Sierra was born and raised in the mountains of Colorado and thought seafood was just the section you avoided at the grocery store. After moving to Washington state and tasting her first Reefnet-caught Sockeye salmon, she realized that THIS was what seafood should taste (and smell) like – melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness. She started reefnet fishing in 2014 and quickly fell in love with the fishery. She began working at the Lummi Island Wild office that same year and has found herself learning more about wild-caught Pacific seafood than she ever thought possible. Sierra became a partner at Lummi Island Wild in 2019.
When she’s not fish-mongering, Sierra is probably making something with her hands and is an avid crafter and artist.
When she’s not fish-mongering, Sierra is probably making something with her hands and is an avid crafter and artist.
What am I eating?
Spot Prawn Tails Spot shrimp sautéed in butter and garlic

Keith Carpenter Board of Advisors
Keith was raised in Southern California and started commercial fishing in June of 1969 and fished for a living through 1980. He fished for salmon and herring in Southeast Alaska, Bristol Bay, Puget Sound and San Francisco Bay as both a purse seiner and gillnetter. He has also trolled off the Washington and British Columbia coasts for salmon and tuna and spent time diving for herring roe in Prince William Sound.
Keith temporarily left the fishing business as he went to work as a commercial foodservice rep and later co-founded the Wood Stone Corporation in 1990. During his time with Wood Stone, Keith was introduced to Lummi Island Wild. He purchased his first reefnet gear in 2006 and his second in 2014.
Keith temporarily left the fishing business as he went to work as a commercial foodservice rep and later co-founded the Wood Stone Corporation in 1990. During his time with Wood Stone, Keith was introduced to Lummi Island Wild. He purchased his first reefnet gear in 2006 and his second in 2014.
What am I eating?

Stan Bianchi Board of Advisors
Stan Bianchi was raised in Bellingham, WA and graduated from Western Washington University with a BS in mathematics and a MEd in administration. Stan taught high school for 32 years and at Whatcom Community College for 16 years. He began commercial fishing in 1960 on a reefnet gear off of Lummi Island. He has either fished or owned a reefnet site for the last 55 years. Stan gillnetted in Bristol Bay, Alaska for 30 years and has gillnetted and crab fished in Puget Sound. He became a partner in Lummi Island Wild in 2007. Stan has long believed that fish could be better cared for, resulting in an improved product. He knows that LIW has the best quality salmon in the world. Catching salmon via reefnet gears is the most environmental friendly, sustainable way to fish.