The Lummi Island Wild Ambassador program brings together influential people from many walks of life who believe in reefnetting as a sustainable fisheries practice and support the work of Lummi Island Wild as fervently as we do. They know that wild salmon is to the Salish Sea what the wild buffalo was to the Great Plains: a necessary, iconic, and deeply integral part of our Northwest environment.
Most Lummi Island Wild ambassadors have been out on the gears fishing with us, and have witnessed first-hand the respect and care we show for our salmon. This first hand knowledge deepens the ambassador’s understanding of the relationship with fish that is established as a part of the reefnetting process. Our ambassadors become advisers to our leadership team, and we utilize their various expertise to improve our operation and develop or improve communities dedicated to sustainable fisheries.
If you would like to be one of our ambassadors, contact us using the link provided. Ambassadors receive many perks both in season and outside of it. All we require is that each ambassador tell our story wherever appropriate.